Academic Writings God’s Simplicity, Evolution and the Origin of Embodied Human Consciousness Scott Ventureyra | November 01, 2016 November 01, 2016 Share Originally published in Maritain Studies/Études maritainiennes 32 (2016): 137-155. View Full Screen × Share
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Unrelenting Nemesis: Wolfgang Smith and His Trenchant Critique of Teilhard’s “Scientific Theology” Academic Writings / By Scott Ventureyra / January 1, 2015 / Evolutionary biology, Omega Point, panentheism, pantheism, philosophy, Philosophy of God, philosophy of science, Theology, transhumanism, Wolfgang Smith
The Women in the Book of Proverbs: Woman Wisdom versus Woman Folly Academic Writings / By Scott Ventureyra / June 14, 2015 / " the strange woman, "daughter of Zion, Baal, Bernhard Lang, Canaan, D. A. Garrett, gender, God, good woman, Ishtar, Isis Asherah, Kathleen O'Connor, Logos, Maat, Michael Fox, Mount Zaphon, Mount Zion, patriarchalism, Proverbs, Tremper Longman III, Trinity, wife, wisdom, wisdom literature, wisdom's personification, woman, Woman Folly, Woman Wisdom, Yahweh