Novak Djokovic’s Win Is a Win for the Vaccine-Free
This past Sunday, Novak Djokovic became the first men’s tennis player to win a coveted 10 Australian Open titles. He was also able to tie Rafael Nadal with a record of 22 grand slam singles titles. He won the tournament in a decisive manner (dropping only one set) and reclaimed the number one ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) ranking.
For those who are unaware, Djokovic was deported from Australia on the eve of the 2022 Australian Open for refusing to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. (According to the Australian immigration minister, it was because his presence could have led to “civil unrest.”) He also received a three-year travel ban for the country, which was subsequently waived this past November. In addition, he was unable to play in the US Open because of the equally unethical and unscientific travel bans imposed on non-Americans because of their Covid vaccine status, which persist to this day.
As not only a tennis fan and player but as someone who has been highly critical of the Covid-19 fiasco of the past three years, I felt greatly invested in the outcome of the Australian Open final.
Upon winning, Djokovic looked toward the heavens and thanked God, as he has done many times in the past. After hugging his friends and family, he broke down in tears. He then went down to his chair, covered his face with his towel, and continued to weep, as the magnitude of the situation began to really set in.
All the visceral emotions came forth as a culmination of overcoming all of his struggles throughout this past year, including a hamstring injury in this year’s tournament, the deportation from Australia the previous year, the inability to play in the US Open, and the unjust demonization he endured by the media and other players.
His tears were symbolic of something deeper and greater than just a victory in a grand slam tournament. They were symbolic of a victory that embodied truth, justice, resilience, steadfastness, and goodness. Djokovic’s win was not only a win for himself and his friends and family but also vindication for those who were demonized, ostracized, stigmatized, and persecuted for refusing an ineffective, dangerous, and potentially deadly experimental gene therapy. Fittingly, Djokovic recognized that his win in Australia was the “biggest victory of his life,” and justifiably so.
Regrettably, over the past three years, many people have failed not only the IQ test in detecting the various unscientific proclamations about combating Covid but also the moral test by not acknowledging people’s medical freedom and bodily autonomy. Most humans who do not ground their experience of the world in God, truth, and the natural law surrender to their tribal proclivities toward groupthink, which are susceptible to repeating the mistakes of the past.
The regressive “woke culture” is an example of this. The woke phenomenon, much like the Covid madness, is plagued with censorship and punishment for dissent. This is similar to what happened in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and currently occurs in Communist China.
Unlike other professional tennis players who either agreed to the Covid-19 injection or received forged Covid vaccine certificates, Djokovic flatly refused the gene therapy. Djokovic stuck to his convictions. Last year, Djokovic emphatically stated in an interview with the BBC that he would rather risk not winning another grand slam and the chance at being the greatest of all time than be forced to take the Covid vaccine because “the principles of decision-making on my body are more important than any title or anything else. I’m trying to be in tune with my body as much as I possibly can.”
Over the years, Djokovic has made it clear that his Christian faith comes before his tennis career. In April of 2011, upon receiving the Order of St. Sava in the first degree from the hands of Irenaeus, the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, he stated, “Before being an athlete, I am an Orthodox Christian.”
Djokovic’s views align perfectly with biblical Christianity, which makes clear that our life is not our own but a gift from God: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
Unfortunately, some still have not realized—while others have gradually come to realize—that if they continue to get boosters, it is possible they will compromise their immune systems and risk enduring a vaccine injury that could affect the rest of their tennis career. As an example, Jeremy Chardy had to stop playing from September 2021 until January 2023 because of a Covid-vaccine injury. He was perfectly healthy prior to receiving the jab.
Chardy wanted to do the “common good for humanity.” This notion is reprehensible since healthy people and people in general who do not want this experimental vaccine should not be coerced or even questioned for not taking it. Tragically, in the competitive sports world, Chardy’s case is not an isolated one. Recently, like many other doctors and scientists throughout the world, an MIT professor and expert on drug safety analytics has called for the suspension of all Covid mRNA vaccines since they “cause an unprecedented level of harm, including the death of young people and children.”
Day by day, the truth keeps pouring out, even if gradually. We must always be reminded that God is able to bring goodness out of evil. Someone like Bill Gates, who incessantly pushed these vaccines, finds himself retreating from his original position and publicly criticizing the effectiveness of the vaccine at Australia’s Lowy Institute. Days later, in an instance of poetic irony, he was present for Djokovic’s victory.
Countless politicians, Big Pharma and Big Tech executives, doctors practicing medical malfeasance, and others have also been relegated to serving God in spite of themselves by inevitably admitting the truth, whether unintentionally or otherwise. As Jesus has said, “For there is nothing hidden, except to be disclosed; nor is anything secret, except to come to light” (Mark 4:22).
In the end, Djokovic may have relinquished two grand slam titles in 2022 because he chose to remain Covid vaccine-free, but he was still able to tie Rafael Nadal with 22 titles and compete for records, such as being a few weeks away from surpassing Steffi Graf’s 377 weeks at number one (he’s already at 374, which is 64 more than Roger Federer). It is an incredibly impressive feat to reclaim the number one ranking, especially at the age of 35 (the second oldest player to hold the spot). His opponent, Stefanos Tsitsipas, recognized Djokovic as “the greatest that has ever held a tennis racket.”
Djokovic and all of us who exercised our medical freedom to remain vaccine-free have been vindicated by God and truth.